Civilization 4 - News

Warlords v2.08 Patch
Civilization IV 1.61 Patch
Improving Movie Playback
PitBoss Application
Civilization IV Fansite Kit
Software Development Kit
Civilization 4 Official Trailer
Civilization 4 Ireland Mod
Fusion Bomb Mod
Civilization 4 Spy V.4 Mod
The War of Ascension
Civilization 4 Vietnam Mod
Switzerland Scenario
Fall From Heaven Mod
Water Animals Mod
Civilization 4Chechnya Mod
Civilization 4 UN Mod
Ancient Mediterranean

Civ IV SDK, patch out now

2K's civilization builder updated to version 1.61; software development kit allows for user mods, tweaks. By Tim Surette , GameSpot

Two PC downloads for Civilization 4 were released today, one updating the game with some of developer Firaxis' tweaks and one that lets gamers provide their own tweaks. Both files are available for download.

The first, a 46.8MB patch , brings the game up to version 1.61 and makes several tweaks and additions to the gameplay. Check out the patch's notes for a full list of changes. The second, the software development kit (SDK), lets amateur programmers tinker with Civ IV's workings and facilitates user-created mods.

Also released today is the Pitboss Server (persistent turn-based server), a multiplayer server that lets gamers continue online or local network games at any time.

Civilization 4 is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older.

Apr 13, 2006

Civilization 4

Civilization IV
2003-2008 Civilization 4