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Civilization IV Immigration v0.4.5 Mod

Filename: immigrationmodv0.4.5.rar
From: TheLopez
Size: 222.5KB
Posted: Jun 27, 2006
This mod adds the concept of immigration to the game.
Minimum System Requirements:
256 MB RAM, 64 MB VRAM, 1740 MB disk space


Immigration Mod v0.4.5
By: TheLopez

Patch Compatibility: v1.61


Immigration has always been a part of the history of the world and now it can be part of the history of your game. There are several conditions that can cause a city to spawn immigrants war, sickness, unhappiness, lack of food, etc.

All of these can cause a group of immigrants to leave from one of your cities to another city that may not necesarly be yours.

Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Immigration Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----

- Immigrants cannot be controlled by any players, though immigrants from other civilizations can be attacked and killed off.

- Newly conquered cities have a much higher chance of generating immigrants that will return to their home civilization.

- 25+ configurable options provided to allow the fine tuning of the mod.

- Unhappiness, unhealthiness, lack of food, etc. can cause immigration from one city to another city.

- Depending on the configuration of the mod it is possible for immigrants to carry some of the culture from the city that created them to the city they are traveling to.

- Depending on the configuration of the mod it is possible for immigrants to carry the religion from the city that created them to the city they are traveling to.

- Certain civics will prevent immigrants from immigrating from cities


- Immigrant:
- Cannot be built
- Movement: 3
- Combat: 0
- Can only defend

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Immigration Mod in your mod I have tried to make things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are enclosed by:


In the Python files I have added # < Immigration Mod Start > and # < Immigration Mod End > in all of the places that I have made changes to the original files.

All I ask is that you give me credit.

-----Future Features-----

- Allow immigrants heading to a ruined city to rebuild the city

- Allow immigrants to cross oceans

- Allow immigrants heading to newly found land to build colonies that can turn into new cities after several turns.

- If an Immigrant leaves my city for an enemy city, I want to kill him. It would be nice if you could have an option that let's the human player know where that immigrant is headed. If a player moved a military unit of theirs onto an Immigrant, you could display a popup that says "This immigrant is headed towards [ImmigrantTargetCity]." Then you could have two options: [Carry on] (Leave the immigrant alone) [Slaughter them all!] (Kill the immigrant) Requested by Shqype.

- Add an option setting a range of turns that an immigrant must be "unhappy" before they leave their city. Requested by Shqype.

- Add an option allowing people to display the reason why an immigrant was generated by one of their cities. Maybe using the happy/angry/sick/etc icons. Requested by Jeckel.

- Add an option allowing players to have a tag added to the immigrants name letting players know why the immigrant unit was generated. Requested by Jeckel.

-----Version Information-----


- Changed the immigrant AI from UNITAI_SETTLE to UNITAI_SPY and UNITAI_MISSIONARY which fixed the issue where immigrant units do not move away from cities. Reported by Komori.

- Fixed the issue where culture was being taken to negative numbers. Reported by Dom Pedro III and Komori.

- Fixed the issue where immigrants would stop working when the city they targetted was razed and they reached the plot where the razed city was located. Reported by Shqype

- Fixed an issue causing immigrants to stop working after a barbarian city was conquered and when a generated immigrant unit tried to pick a target city. This issue made the immigrant unit flicker and become selectible. Reported by White Rabbit.

- Fixed the issue where players could change the misson for the immigrants by using the right-mouse button menu. Now at the begining of every turn immigrant missions are checked and if they are not moving towards their intended city target they will be retargetted. Reported by Jeckel.

- Fixed the issue where immigrants target unreachable cities. Reported by Shqype.


- Added the configurable option allowing players to change the maximum chance that any city will spawn an immigrant in the game.

- Fixed an issue causing immigrants to stop working when trying to pick a religion from a city. This issue made the immigrant unit flicker and become selectible. Reported by Civmansam.

- Fixed the issue that caused immigrants to lose their mission when coming into contact with an enemy like barbarians.


- Commented all of the code

- Fixed the code that applies the culture carried by immigrants to a city

- Changed the default value for the "Immigrants Decrease Culture" configurable option from False to True

- Reorganized the code so all of the event manager specific code is in its own file and everything else immigration related is in its own file

- Fixed the exploit found by Shqype allowing players to redirect immigrant units from their intended target to somewhere else.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrant units should not carry a religion from the city they were created from.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify the chance that an immigrant unit will carry a religion from the city they were created from. Valid values are from 1 to 100.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrant units should carry a mix of the religion from the city where they were spawned.


- Implemented the code needed to hide all action buttons from use when players select a immigrant unit.

- Implemented the code that makes an immigrant unit join a city when they reach their targetted city.

- Implemented the code needed by immigrants to select the best city possible for resettlement

- Implemented the code used to determine the culture carried by immigrants


- Setup Immigration Mod infrastructure

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if civilization capital cities should be allowed to spawn immigrant units.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities with an unhappy population.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how much the unhappy population value will influence the calculations for spawning an immigration unit.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities with an unhealthy population.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how much the unhealthy population value will influence the calculations for spawning an immigration unit.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities with a starving population.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how much the starving population value will influence the calculations for spawning an immigration unit.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities with an unpacified population. Cities with an unpacified population are cities that have been recently conquered but continue to have an active resistance.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how much the unpacified population value will influence the calculations for spawning an immigration unit.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities with a pacified population. Cities with a pacified population are cities that have been conquered and all active resistance has been removed and quashed. Also, part of the pacified population continues to be influenced by and identifies with other cultures found in the city.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how much the pacified population value will influence the calculations for spawning an immigration unit.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if there should be a limit to the number of active immigrant units per city.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how many units should be allowed per city.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if there should be a limit to the number of active immigrant units per civilization.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify how many immigrant units should be allowed per civilization.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should be allowed to ignore closed borders between two civilizations.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned in cities where a part of the population identifies the culture the current owner of the city is at war with.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrants should not be spawned when a city is lost by a civilization. When set to true this option enables the simulation of part of the population of a city fleeing.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrant units should not carry any culture from the city they were created from. The culture immigrants carry depends on the reason for their creation. For instance if an immigrant unit is created due to a city being captured by civilization x from civilization y then the immigrant unit would carry culture belonging to civilization y. The amount of culture an immigrant unit carries is proportional to the population and culture of the city that created them. So if city A with a population of 10 and 12000 culture creates an immigrant unit then the immigrant unit would carry 1/10th of the cities culture.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigrant units should carry a mix of the culture from the city where they were spawned. The culture they carry will be the same ratio of culture from the city they were spawned from. For example if an immigrant unit is spawned from city A with 10% culture from civilization X and 90% culture from civilization Y then the immigration unit will carry 10% culture from civilization X and 90% culture from civilization Y.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if when an immigrant unit is spawned in a city they should take/decrease the appropriate amount of culture from the city that spawns them.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if inner civilization immigration should be allowed even if Serfdom has been selected for the labor civic.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify if immigration should not be allowed to cause a to be abandoned if a city has a population of one and an immigrant is generated.

- Implemented the code needed to determine if an immigrant should be generated by a city or not depending on the configuration of the mod.

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Stone-D

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

- Sevo
For the new settler unit and the different models used within it.

- Wikipedia
immigrant entry

- Testers
Dom Pedro II, Shqype, White Rabbit, Civmansam, woodelf, Kael, Jeckel

Civilization 4

Civilization IV
2003-2008 Civilization 4